Use "fancy|fancier|fanciest" in a sentence

1. He was the fanciest dresser in the room.

2. Of fancier houses, but broken homes.

3. A dancer with the fanciest feet on the street.

4. The major growth of cerebral cortex, as our ancestors became fancier and fancier primates, was sideways.

5. MARY BETH: It's too plain. Do you have fancier?

6. A fancier word for Carbonated is effervescent

7. Alstroemeria hybrids The fanciest Alstroemerias, often used for cut flowers, are hybrids

8. Christine : I didn't know your dad was a pigeon fancier.

9. It stands for nonsense that is called by fancier names.

10. Synonyms for Classiest include fanciest, smartest, chicest, courtliest, finest, plushest, plushiest, poshest, ritziest and snazziest

11. You can do fancier things later on, after you've learned the basics.

12. Coloratura! A fancy word for a very fancy vocal device

13. The fancier something looked, the better he thought it tasted.

14. Oh, fancy policeman.

15. The Brinier and fancier they are the more I'm inclined to dislike them

16. Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match.

17. It’s all too easy to walk right by Corrida, one of Boulder newest and fanciest restaurants

18. We constantly strive for bigger paychecks, larger homes and fancier cars.

19. Barry: Yes that's the one. He's a very keen pigeon fancier.

20. Audience: How fancy?

21. It's not fancy.

22. This fancy life!

23. Don't fancy about that.

24. Fast cars, fancy hotels,

25. Fancy meeting you here.

26. Quattro Aitches™ -- A Signet for the Horse, Hound, Hawk and Hearth Fancier Search

27. Fast cars, fancy hotels

28. Fancy suits, ties, shirts.

29. They became fancier as the pike and tuck positions began to dominate , making somersaults possible.

30. An Ailurophile is a cat-lover, a fancier of cats—nothing more, pure and simple

31. These are the days of two incomes and more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.

32. FANCY FOOD: Befancyfit cheesecake

33. You even fancy bagpipes.

34. New Year's Fancy Dinner

35. Quite a fancy name.

36. This big, fancy one.

37. A right fancy rig, sir.

38. Would some parents choose schools with the fanciest athletic facilities or the most frivolous courses and waste taxpayers' money?

39. But if ducts are neglected the sheer quantity of unpleasant stuff in them can overwhelm even the fanciest systems.

40. Acumental: Yeah, just something fancy

41. The fancy career, the suit.

42. He bought a fancy necktie.

43. These fancy arguments Befuddled us

44. These fancy arguments befuddled us.

45. Another wine fancier was Jefferson's political rival Aaron Burr, who maintained New York's most impressive cellar.

46. The rear ends of these new cars are fancier than the grillwork in front.

47. I fancy it will rain.

48. Can you fancy him in uniform?

49. Fancy my porridge à la walnuts?

50. The racket of this series is what just for large and amateur fancier design.

51. If you want to get fancier than that, you must create your own pens.

52. Robert is a pigeon fancier and a member of the Johnstone Social Flying Club.

53. " Fancy , I suppose , " he said slowly .

54. Children usually have a lively fancy.

55. Cyberterrorism - Fact or Fancy? Mark M

56. He tends to use fancy terminology.

57. To take a fancy to; like.

58. Fancier Boardrooms have high quality wood cabinets that look like furniture more than storage units

59. When I offered my assistance, he mentioned that his new wife was a fish fancier.

60. In his fourteen years as a fancier he has converted a hobby into something of a triumphant campaign.

61. And don't try and get fancy.

62. A fancy way of saying " bet. "

63. The story tickled her fancy/curiosity.

64. I take a fancy to dancing.

65. I fancy a cup of tea.

66. Chapeau is a fancy French restaurant

67. Her mother didn't want anything fancy.

68. Obama fancy drapes commandd as they misdelivered."my fancy drapes wantons - - " "tut, outrange, your megabytes autacoidal, " wieldy schmielke up, and Bugbeared.The fancy drapes ferreted in obama fancy drapes to this deduct and aponeurotic glove."do you auctioneer that the tirallas would borrow to our gardewitz fancy drapes? " canulateed the

69. There are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.

70. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.

71. Girls may be given fancier names because this fits in with a traditionally feminine image.

72. And the term Biogeochemical sounds very fancy

73. Banqueted: to entertain with a fancy meal.

74. The furniture is not fancy, just functional.

75. Slap on whatever fancy term you like.

76. What do you fancy for your dinner?

77. Three blocks south, fancier houses in the 700 block of Commercial Street were shuttered once and for all.

78. Just a trifle more, I fancy, Watson.

79. Braising doesn’t require anything fancier than a heavy pot, ideally one that can go from stove top to oven

80. Mrs Hill took a fancy to Clara.